Telegram bot ChatGPT-4o

We have created a bot tied to the GPT-4o mini textual neural network with the smartest and most modern system at the moment.

Here is the bot itself: @ChatGPT_Kolersky_Bot

1. It works by OpenAi API - ChatGPT-4o_mini neural network, the most advanced at present;

1.2. The bot has no advertising at all, only notifications about our projects.

2. How to perform tasks in a bot?
Just ask him a question, ask him to write a poem, text, code or whatever.
It has no specific commands;

3. Understands questions as directly as possible. He must be educated like a child;

4. Request limits
If the answer doesn't fit in the message, tell him "continue". The length of a message in a standard bot (/vip) is 3000 characters.
In Premium: answer up to 10000 characters, question up to 4096 characters;

5. Working with images and videos
The bot is text-based, so now it sends (often crooked) links to photos and videos, not a file.

6. The bot is constantly learning and updating, getting smarter every day;

7. Write him an assignment, no more than 3000 characters long.

8. If the bot does not respond for more than 15 seconds, it is due to an overload of the OpenAI servers.
Wait a few minutes and message the bot again (you can press /stop and /start again.
Don't write messages after him.

9. Working with links and statistics
The neural network can invent some data for a nice text, as well as send text links. The neural network is textual and is not a database.

Visa/MasterCard cards from the following countries are not accepted for payment - Turkey, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Myanmar, Korea, Western Sahara, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Yemen, Mali, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Belarus, USA, Ukraine, Canada, Korean People's Democratic Republic

Operational information here:

Support response time: up to 24 hours. But it's usually much faster.
Don't worry, we solve all problems and requests =)

Our article about the ChatGPT bot